
material angular ☑ material

Angular Material UI component library

Angular Material is a collection of Material Design components for Angular web applications. It offers high quality, internationalized, accessible, and customizable components that integrate seamlessly with Angular and the Material Design specification.

Angular Material

Learn how to install and use Angular Material, a set of components for building Material Design applications with Angular. Follow the steps to install Angular Material and Angular CDK, import the component modules, include a theme, and more.

Angular Material

Angular Material is a range of components that implement common interaction patterns according to the Material Design specification. Learn how to use form controls, navigation, layout, buttons, popups, data tables and more in your Angular applications.

Angular Material

Learn how to use the mat-form-field component to wrap and style different Angular Material components such as input, textarea, select, and link. See the appearance variants, hint labels, error messages, prefix and suffix, and custom controls options of the mat-form-field.

Angular Material

Learn how to use the mat-table component to display rows of data in a Material Design style. The table supports data binding, column templates, row templates, pagination, sorting, and more features with the MatTableDataSource and MatSort modules.

Angular Material

Learn how to use the menu component in Angular Material, a set of components for building Material Design components in Angular. See the basic menu, icons, position, sub-menus, lazy rendering, data passing and keyboard interaction features of the menu component.

Angular Material

Angular Material Material Design components for Angular. Get started + Sprint from Zero to App. Hit the ground running with comprehensive, modern UI components that ...

Angular Material

Icon sets allow grouping multiple icons into a single SVG file. This is done by creating a single root svg tag that contains multiple nested svg tags in its defs section. Each of these nested tags is identified with an id attribute. This id is used as the name of the icon. Icon sets are registered using the addSvgIconSet ...

Angular Material

Select | Angular Material. overview api examples. mat-select is a form control for selecting a value from a set of options, similar to the native select element. You can read more about selects in the Material Design spec. It is designed to work inside of a mat-form-field element. To add options to the select, add mat-option elements to ...

Angular Material

Angular Material does not provide a specific component to be used for filtering the MatTable since there is no single common approach to adding a filter UI to table data. A general strategy is to add an input where users can type in a filter string and listen to this input to change what data is offered from the data source to the table.

Angular Material UI component library

Optimized for Angular. Built by the Angular team to integrate seamlessly with Angular. UI component infrastructure and Material Design components for mobile and desktop Angular web applications.

Angular Material

Angular Material Theming Angular Material. Learn how to customize the look and feel of your Angular Material components with themes, palettes, typography, and more. Follow the step-by-step guide to create your own theme or use the built-in ones. Explore the theming examples and see how Material Design can enhance your app.

Angular Material UI component library

Optimized for Angular. Built by the Angular team to integrate seamlessly with Angular. UI component infrastructure and Material Design components for mobile and desktop Angular web applications.